Transparent screens have been used by many businesses in museums, technology exhibitions, electronic products, and luxury goods markets because they have given viewers more than expected visual impact and more creative publishing formats. However, many For the domestic market application, the transparent display is not so deeply rooted. Because most people understand it, as the name suggests, in addition to the role of display, or transparent, for consumers, in addition to the national surgical fantasy film, there are fragments of the transparent screen display, such as the movie Avatar Transparent screen computers, etc. In fact, the transparent screen we see is the kind of transparent screen computer in Avatar movies.
Today we take a look at the use of transparent screens in high-end clothing stores in shopping malls.
As shown in the picture, it is a shopping mall in Shanghai that uses a transparent screen display technology. This is not a bus stop. The display on the external wall of a building is so simple. Such a glass is actually a computer. It touches directly on the glass. It is the same as the computer windows system. It is smart and high-end. The transparent screen can display the product in front of the audience 360-degrees without any dead ends; cooperate with the display of product pictures and promotional videos to establish interaction with the audience; enhance product competitiveness and enhance brand effect; and actively attract customers’ curiosity and interest.
The figure is a spokesperson’s concert using a transparent screen to play the costume.
As shown in the figure, a transparent screen is used to display the latest clothing products.